Friday, November 11, 2011

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

I Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”
On Veteran's Day we remember and thank God for those dear men and women who have served and FOUGHT and died to protect us and our families from evil! America stands today as a nation and people of freedoms because our brave soldiers have FOUGHT to keep us free! History reveals that there is no freedom for those unwilling to fight to protect it!
Our veterans are our heroes!
These everyday Americans have borne the brunt of the hardships and sufferings of combat. From the very beginning of our nation, from the Revolutionary War through today's conflict in Iraq, our courageous service men and women have faced enemy after enemy so we could live free!
Thank you Lord for our VETERANS!
Throughout the history of America, there also have been other types of "soldiers" and heroes that have supported our troops and helped to preserve our freedom. Men and women and children who have PRAYED at home, while our heroic soldiers have battled the enemy overseas. These dedicated "prayer warriors" have fought the "spiritual battles" against the satanic forces of darkness that are behind every war against freedom and against what is right!
How many of our dear fighting men and women have told true stories of having been miraculously spared from death and learn later that a loved one at home was praying for them?
How many command decisions turned into victories because Americans' were praying? How many soldiers have been encouraged and strengthened spiritually and emotionally, and healed physically by the persevering prayers of faithful, praying people?
Today we honor our dear veterans who have so bravely served America, and we will never forget their sacrifice.
Thank you Dear Heavenly Father for our veterans and their families, and for your blessings on America.
And we also thank you Lord for the many veteran "prayer warriors," who have "fought the good fight of faith" to support our soldiers and our nation in prayer!

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